Monday, July 28, 2008

Final push to the end!

The final assignments!
and Sound Waves

Wave Characteristics , Sound Waves

Velocity of Sound Lab

Test #3 will be due by August 1st, this Friday! Look for grades this weekend!

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

For this weekend

Reading: Click on the Hyperphysics link under the Important Links button on the right. Follow the buttons listed below. There is not much reading for each topic, so don't be intimidated!

Hyperphysics: Mechanics: Fluids: Pressure, Bernoulli Equation, Pascal’s Principle, Buoyancy, Archimedes’ Principle
Hyperphysics: Heat & Thermodynamics: Temperature: Temperature Scales: Heat: Specific Heat: Laws of Thermodynamics: Heat transfer: Heat Engines
Hyperphysics: Heat and Thermodynamics: Thermal Expansion
Hyperphysics: Mechanics: Periodic Motion: Elasticity: Bulk Elastic Properties: Young’s Modulus

Thermal Expansion: problems 1-3
Mechanical Equivalent of Heat: problems 1,2
Specific Heat: 1-3

Specific Heat
Hooke's Law

Don't forget that Test #2 is due Monday, July 28th!

Monday, July 21, 2008

Almost ready for Test #2

This week's homework related stuff is:


Centripetal Acceleration: problems 1-3
Universal Gravitation: problems 1-3
Torque: problems 1,3,4

Please preview Test #2 as it will be due next Monday, July 28th! Look at the sample test and solutions for it, as well.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Moving right along

Don't forget that Test #1 is due by Monday July 21st. Also, we're trying to finish this class before the end of July, so to that end, here's your reading and homework for the weekend.

Reading: for work and energy;
and for momentum;

Homework: Work and Power: problems 2,3,and 4
Potential and Kinetic Energy: problems 1,2, and 3
Impulse and Momentum: problems 1,2, and 3

Lab: Ballistic Pendulum

Monday, July 14, 2008

Test #1 now posted

Phys 105 Test #1 is now posted and is due by next Monday. Please write in pen, scan your work and then e-mail it to me at:
I don't need to have your test, just your work with each problem numbered and your name on every page.
If you would prefer to fax it, e-mail me and I will arrange to have my fax ready to receive it.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Forces and measuring gravity

The assignment this week is:
Homework: Simple Forces - questions 1-3,5
Lab: Measuring Gravity
Also, be sure and read:

Monday, July 7, 2008

Projectile Motion Lab

Today we did the first "real" lab in class - projectile motion. If you weren't there, please make sure that you make up the lab before our next class so you don't get behind.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

All about vectors

The assignments about vectors are as follows:
First: read

then do Homework assignment: Simple Vectors

Tutorial: Vector tutorial at Hyperphysics

end with Simulation Assignments: Vector Addition
Spend some time with these assignments! Vectors can be tough, but I've simplified them as much as possible with these assignments.