Monday, June 30, 2008

First lab assignments

Today's labs are the following simulation assignments:

After downloading the documents, click on or paste the address at the top of the page into your browser and find the corresponding simulation on the left hand side of the webpage that comes up. Work through the lab as instructed and answer the questions by performing the simulation.
E-mail me with any questions. Notice that I have posted the solution, as well.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

1st Assignments

Nice to meet you all today! The first assignment will be:
Scientific Notation Tutorial for those who need to brush up
Equations - problems 1-5
Velocity - all problems
I recommend reading through the following tutorial to help you understand what velocity is all about:
Remember: Mondays are Lab Days, and homework is due on Wednesdays

Monday, June 23, 2008

Welcome Hobucken and Hatteras

Welcome everyone to your physics class. The course syllabus and outline are at the right, but you should only use them as a general guide of topics. DO NOT use them to determine your weekly assignments or labs. Look here at the posts to know what you should be doing and when.
Your first assignment is to get to know the different parts of this blog and be able to find what you need. The Important Links on the right are critical for you, since we do not have a text for this course. Click on each of them and explore a little. You'll learn more about them as we go. Also, if it's been a while since you last had a math class, look at the Tutorials link on the right and work through the Scientific Notation tutorial.
It is vital that you e-mail me with any questions you have. Click on my user profile next to my picture at the top of this page to easily e-mail me.
Good luck and all the best.
Brian Hanna