Tuesday, February 26, 2008

This week's lessons

The following problems are homework this week:
Work and Power problems 2,3,4
Potential and Kinetic Energy problems 1,2,3
Impulse and Momentum problems 1,2,3
The lab this week is the Ballistic Pendulum Lab
Also, don't forget that I must get your TESTS!!

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

This week's lessons

We will do Projectile Motion WS problems 1-3, and Simple Forces WS problems 2,3 and 5. Notice that they are posted on the right hand side under Homework Assignments. We will also go over the Projectile Motion Lab on Thursday together.
The following web address gives a thorough analysis of what's going on mathematically with projectile motion: http://www.glenbrook.k12.il.us/gbssci/phys/Class/vectors/u3l2e.html.
The Hyperphysics site will actually do the math for you!: http://hyperphysics.phy-astr.gsu.edu/hbase/hframe.html. You will need to click on the following to get to where you need to go: Mechanics, Velocity and Acceleration, Trajectories, Horizontal Launches. You may want to check out the bullet drop problem under Trajectories, as well.

Thursday, February 7, 2008

More Updates for Vectors

Please note that I have added the equation sheet for Simple Vectors and an explanation for acceleration. Also look for the worked solutions to Simple Vectors. Also note the tutorial tab on the right. I have added the following link, which is an excellent resource for understanding vectors, but which DOES THE MATH FOR YOU: http://hannabnhs.googlepages.com/Hyperphysicsvectoractivity.doc

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Lessons for this week

The assignments for Lesson are as follows:
Simple Vectors, problems 1-4 located under the Homework assignments tab on the right and
Vector Addition located under the Simulation Assignments on the right. I highly recommend doing the simulation assignment first. Also, look for the equation sheet for these assignments coming soon. I have also written a preliminary draft of the acceleration (m/s/s) question you asked about and will post that by tomorrow.

An excellent reading about this topic, as well as an explanation and practice for the math can be found at http://www.glenbrook.k12.il.us/gbssci/phys/Class/vectors/u3l1a.html