Wednesday, December 17, 2008

lesson 7

The final assignments!
Reading: Waves and Sound Waves
Homework: Wave Characteristics , Sound Waves
Lab: Velocity of Sound Lab

lesson 6

Reading: Click on the Hyperphysics link under the Important Links button on the right. Follow the buttons listed below. There is not much reading for each topic, so don't be intimidated!
Hyperphysics: Mechanics: Fluids: Pressure, Bernoulli Equation, Pascal’s Principle, Buoyancy, Archimedes’ Principle
Hyperphysics: Heat & Thermodynamics: Temperature: Temperature Scales: Heat: Specific Heat: Laws of Thermodynamics: Heat transfer: Heat Engines and Hyperphysics: Heat and Thermodynamics: Thermal Expansion
Hyperphysics: Mechanics: Periodic Motion: Elasticity: Bulk Elastic Properties: Young’s Modulus

Homework: Thermal Expansion: problems 1-3 Mechanical Equivalent of Heat: problems 1,2 Specific Heat: 1-3

Labs: Specific Heat Hooke's Law


This week's homework related stuff is: Reading: Homework: Centripetal Acceleration: problems 1-3 Universal Gravitation: problems 1-3 Torque: problems 1,3,4

lesson 4

The following problems are homework this week: Work and Power problems 2,3,4 Potential and Kinetic Energy problems 1,2,3 Impulse and Momentum problems 1,2,3 The lab this week is the Ballistic Pendulum Lab.

lesson 3

We will do Projectile Motion WS problems 1-3, and Simple Forces WS problems 2,3 and 5. Notice that they are posted on the right hand side under Homework Assignments. We will also go over the Projectile Motion Lab on Thursday together. The following web address gives a thorough analysis of what's going on mathematically with projectile motion: The Hyperphysics site will actually do the math for you!: You will need to click on the following to get to where you need to go: Mechanics, Velocity and Acceleration, Trajectories, Horizontal Launches. You may want to check out the bullet drop problem under Trajectories, as well.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

This week's lessons

The assignments for this week are as follows:
Simple Vectors, problems 1-4 located under the Homework assignments tab on the right

Vector Addition located under the Simulation Assignments on the right. I highly recommend doing the simulation assignment first.

An excellent reading about this topic, as well as an explanation and practice for the math can be found at

Thursday, November 13, 2008

First assignments

Nice to meet you all today! The first assignment will be:
Scientific Notation Tutorial - for those who need to brush up
Equations - problems 1-5
Velocity - problems 1-4
I recommend reading through the following tutorial to help you understand what velocity is all about:
This week's lab will be on-line:
Constant velocity versus acceleration

Monday, July 28, 2008

Final push to the end!

The final assignments!
and Sound Waves

Wave Characteristics , Sound Waves

Velocity of Sound Lab

Test #3 will be due by August 1st, this Friday! Look for grades this weekend!

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

For this weekend

Reading: Click on the Hyperphysics link under the Important Links button on the right. Follow the buttons listed below. There is not much reading for each topic, so don't be intimidated!

Hyperphysics: Mechanics: Fluids: Pressure, Bernoulli Equation, Pascal’s Principle, Buoyancy, Archimedes’ Principle
Hyperphysics: Heat & Thermodynamics: Temperature: Temperature Scales: Heat: Specific Heat: Laws of Thermodynamics: Heat transfer: Heat Engines
Hyperphysics: Heat and Thermodynamics: Thermal Expansion
Hyperphysics: Mechanics: Periodic Motion: Elasticity: Bulk Elastic Properties: Young’s Modulus

Thermal Expansion: problems 1-3
Mechanical Equivalent of Heat: problems 1,2
Specific Heat: 1-3

Specific Heat
Hooke's Law

Don't forget that Test #2 is due Monday, July 28th!

Monday, July 21, 2008

Almost ready for Test #2

This week's homework related stuff is:


Centripetal Acceleration: problems 1-3
Universal Gravitation: problems 1-3
Torque: problems 1,3,4

Please preview Test #2 as it will be due next Monday, July 28th! Look at the sample test and solutions for it, as well.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Moving right along

Don't forget that Test #1 is due by Monday July 21st. Also, we're trying to finish this class before the end of July, so to that end, here's your reading and homework for the weekend.

Reading: for work and energy;
and for momentum;

Homework: Work and Power: problems 2,3,and 4
Potential and Kinetic Energy: problems 1,2, and 3
Impulse and Momentum: problems 1,2, and 3

Lab: Ballistic Pendulum

Monday, July 14, 2008

Test #1 now posted

Phys 105 Test #1 is now posted and is due by next Monday. Please write in pen, scan your work and then e-mail it to me at:
I don't need to have your test, just your work with each problem numbered and your name on every page.
If you would prefer to fax it, e-mail me and I will arrange to have my fax ready to receive it.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Forces and measuring gravity

The assignment this week is:
Homework: Simple Forces - questions 1-3,5
Lab: Measuring Gravity
Also, be sure and read:

Monday, July 7, 2008

Projectile Motion Lab

Today we did the first "real" lab in class - projectile motion. If you weren't there, please make sure that you make up the lab before our next class so you don't get behind.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

All about vectors

The assignments about vectors are as follows:
First: read

then do Homework assignment: Simple Vectors

Tutorial: Vector tutorial at Hyperphysics

end with Simulation Assignments: Vector Addition
Spend some time with these assignments! Vectors can be tough, but I've simplified them as much as possible with these assignments.

Monday, June 30, 2008

First lab assignments

Today's labs are the following simulation assignments:

After downloading the documents, click on or paste the address at the top of the page into your browser and find the corresponding simulation on the left hand side of the webpage that comes up. Work through the lab as instructed and answer the questions by performing the simulation.
E-mail me with any questions. Notice that I have posted the solution, as well.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

1st Assignments

Nice to meet you all today! The first assignment will be:
Scientific Notation Tutorial for those who need to brush up
Equations - problems 1-5
Velocity - all problems
I recommend reading through the following tutorial to help you understand what velocity is all about:
Remember: Mondays are Lab Days, and homework is due on Wednesdays

Monday, June 23, 2008

Welcome Hobucken and Hatteras

Welcome everyone to your physics class. The course syllabus and outline are at the right, but you should only use them as a general guide of topics. DO NOT use them to determine your weekly assignments or labs. Look here at the posts to know what you should be doing and when.
Your first assignment is to get to know the different parts of this blog and be able to find what you need. The Important Links on the right are critical for you, since we do not have a text for this course. Click on each of them and explore a little. You'll learn more about them as we go. Also, if it's been a while since you last had a math class, look at the Tutorials link on the right and work through the Scientific Notation tutorial.
It is vital that you e-mail me with any questions you have. Click on my user profile next to my picture at the top of this page to easily e-mail me.
Good luck and all the best.
Brian Hanna

Monday, March 24, 2008

The final 3 homework assignments are Specific Heat, Sound Waves , and Wave Chacteristics. Notice that they are posted along with their worked answers. Also, I have posted the final practice test and answers and will post worked solutions later today. Check out the following website for helpful reading for the assignments:
and also:

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Next Up

So, we need to do Assignments: Universal Gravitation, Centripetal Acceleration, and Torque this week. The following link has some great reading associated with these topics!

Look for Sample Test #2 and worked solutions early next week.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

This week's lessons

The following problems are homework this week:
Work and Power problems 2,3,4
Potential and Kinetic Energy problems 1,2,3
Impulse and Momentum problems 1,2,3
The lab this week is the Ballistic Pendulum Lab
Also, don't forget that I must get your TESTS!!

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

This week's lessons

We will do Projectile Motion WS problems 1-3, and Simple Forces WS problems 2,3 and 5. Notice that they are posted on the right hand side under Homework Assignments. We will also go over the Projectile Motion Lab on Thursday together.
The following web address gives a thorough analysis of what's going on mathematically with projectile motion:
The Hyperphysics site will actually do the math for you!: You will need to click on the following to get to where you need to go: Mechanics, Velocity and Acceleration, Trajectories, Horizontal Launches. You may want to check out the bullet drop problem under Trajectories, as well.

Thursday, February 7, 2008

More Updates for Vectors

Please note that I have added the equation sheet for Simple Vectors and an explanation for acceleration. Also look for the worked solutions to Simple Vectors. Also note the tutorial tab on the right. I have added the following link, which is an excellent resource for understanding vectors, but which DOES THE MATH FOR YOU:

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Lessons for this week

The assignments for Lesson are as follows:
Simple Vectors, problems 1-4 located under the Homework assignments tab on the right and
Vector Addition located under the Simulation Assignments on the right. I highly recommend doing the simulation assignment first. Also, look for the equation sheet for these assignments coming soon. I have also written a preliminary draft of the acceleration (m/s/s) question you asked about and will post that by tomorrow.

An excellent reading about this topic, as well as an explanation and practice for the math can be found at

Monday, January 28, 2008


I'm noticing that as I update the hyperlinks in some of my documents that the links are not active. Let's replace those with This looks a lot like If in the future the link comes back on-line I'll be sure and include it in a post and in the internet resources on the right sidebar.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Welcome to Physics

Welcome to physics. It is my hope to make this course as useful, interesting and helpful as possible. Please be sure and contact me with questions, comments, and suggestions. I'm adapting to this new format, so expect a few wrinkles. Hopefully, we'll get through this together and learn something along the way.